Poucas palavras:

Blog criado por Bruno Coriolano de Almeida Costa, professor de Língua Inglesa desde 2002. Esse espaço surgiu em 2007 com o objetivo de unir alguns estudiosos e professores desse idioma. Abordamos, de forma rápida e simples, vários aspectos da Língua Inglesa e suas culturas. Agradeço a sua visita.

"Se tivesse perguntado ao cliente o que ele queria, ele teria dito: 'Um cavalo mais rápido!"

quinta-feira, 28 de junho de 2012

JUST PUBLISHED: Busy Teacher...

Holiday Board Game - http://bit.ly/MU2oPj 
European Union - http://bit.ly/MU2oPn 
The Twelve Tenses - http://bit.ly/MU2oPq 
Past Simple and Wh Questions - http://bit.ly/MU2pTD 
I've Got: Memory Game - http://bit.ly/MU2oPs 
Conditional Type I - http://bit.ly/MU2pTF 
Rooms of the House: Read, Cut & Glue - http://bit.ly/MU2q9T 
Animals and Their Abilities - http://bit.ly/MU2q9V
Irregular Past Tense Verbs - http://bit.ly/MU2q9X 
The Lake District - http://bit.ly/MU2oPv 
Inventions - http://bit.ly/MU2oPz 
Months Worksheet - http://bit.ly/MU2qa2 
Song Worksheet: Love Me Back by Can Bonomo - http://bit.ly/MU2p5P 
Coyote Ugly Film Act - http://bit.ly/MU2p5R 
Comparison Presentation - http://bit.ly/MU2p5V 
Food Exercise [Fill in the gaps] - http://bit.ly/MU2p60 
English Lessons Assessment Chart - http://bit.ly/MU2qab 
Understanding English Proverbs - http://bit.ly/MU2p62 
Excerpt Reading Comprehension - Animal Farm by George Orwell - http://bit.ly/MU2qqp 
Excerpt Reading Comprehension - Cradle and All by James Patterson - http://bit.ly/MU2qqr 
Postcards from Somewhere - http://bit.ly/MU2p66 
Typical Chilean Drinks - http://bit.ly/MU2qqt 
Who Am I? - Card Game [adjectives/nationalities/vocabulary] - http://bit.ly/MU2qqx 
Season: Autumn - http://bit.ly/MU2qqz 
Song Worksheet: In The End by Linkin Park - http://bit.ly/MU2s1u 
Movie Worksheet: Madagascar - http://bit.ly/MU2s1w 
Video Session: Spanglish [what it takes to be a good language learner] - http://bit.ly/MU2s1A 
Song Worksheet: Summer Paradise by Simple Plan - http://bit.ly/MU2qqE 
There to be to Describe a Place - http://bit.ly/MU2s1G 
Numbers from 0 to 9 - http://bit.ly/MU2qqG 
The Passive - http://bit.ly/MU2qGY 
Song Worksheet: Count on Me by Bruno Mars [1st Conditional] - http://bit.ly/MU2si0 
POSTER: What Time is It? - http://bit.ly/MU2qH0 
Present Continuous Tense: Questions and Answers - http://bit.ly/MU2qH2 
Let's Go Shopping - http://bit.ly/MU2si4 

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