Poucas palavras:

Blog criado por Bruno Coriolano de Almeida Costa, professor de Língua Inglesa desde 2002. Esse espaço surgiu em 2007 com o objetivo de unir alguns estudiosos e professores desse idioma. Abordamos, de forma rápida e simples, vários aspectos da Língua Inglesa e suas culturas. Agradeço a sua visita.

"Se tivesse perguntado ao cliente o que ele queria, ele teria dito: 'Um cavalo mais rápido!"

segunda-feira, 21 de outubro de 2013

We're getting better and back on blogging.

Picture from:  IEP Questions and Answers. 

I have noticed that most of the regular readers of this blog don’t comment. On the blog, people can come and go without a trace and it’s easy to underestimate how many of them are really reading it. Having said that, I decided to publish only in English – well, at least 90% of my next entries are going to be in English.

And why is that? I realized that people come and only check the first two lines or something like that and leave the blog without a simple comment. It is nonsense when you spend some time thinking about what to write about next and not even one reader write a comment, ask you something (in English) or swear at you. I would like to encourage people to take the risk and try to speak (or write) in the language this blog is trying to teach - if you can say that!

As I said before here on Portal da Língua Inglesa, I’ll be writing in English so that everyone can benefit from it – you and I. Everything is going to be like my personal diary – where I publish my opinion about whatever I feel comfortable to write about. Too much post in Portuguese made me lazy. Moreover, writing, researching in my mother tongue made me feel in a kind of plateau – no evolution in my writing.

Have you watched the Dexter finale? What did you think about it? What have you been reading? How many hours have you been spending on Facebook? Are you happy with your job? Too many question, right? Well, let’s answer them. 


Bruno Coriolano.

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